Saturday, June 12, 2010

Aqueous Books Update

As of May 31, 2010, Aqueous Books' debut publication, Michael J. Atwood's HiStory of Santa Monica, is available. It is available through Aqueous Books, as an Amazon Kindle edition, from Barnes & Noble, and through the Ingram online distribution catalog. View the Press Kit here.

It has been a long process, to which many of my publishing acquaintances can attest, putting together and sending out press releases and notifications, establishing contact with booksellers and libraries, registering Aqueous Books with various online sources, and yes, even the occasional amount of legwork.

Has it been worth it? It's been worth every ounce of energy, blood, and tears, and even worth every Benjamin Franklin spent (and trust me, there have been many! Ouch!)

I am looking forward to our upcoming publications: by Alec Bryan, Heather Fowler, Aaron Polson, and quite a few others.

This is only the beginning of a very long journey that I hope will last longer than I do, and I think we're off to a great start. I have the honor and privilege to work with some very fine, talented authors, and my right-hand lady, the very talented editor Erin McKnight, who has been an amazing asset throughout all of the processes.

Time to celebrate? Not yet--there's still work to be done!
