Saturday, January 20, 2007

New Season for Artists

AmateurArtwork is pleased to be posting its first blog, care of yours truly, Artiste-- aka The Webmistress.

A lot of exciting changes are going on at right now. We recently (and painfully) implemented a store for our artists to sell their pieces which are already displayed in our galleries. And we now offer the option for artists to simply post their pieces in gallery space rather than having to go through the approval process, which can take a while. The Submissions and Reviews Board still reviews pieces submitted by artists who wish for their work to be placed in the AmateurArtwork Store, however. Now there is just another option for those who wish to sell their pieces on their own.

If you choose to have us set up a gallery area for you, and do not wish to go through the long submission and approval process to have your pieces in the AmateurArtwork Store, we will also post your contact information so that interested buyers can purchase directly from you, without having AmateurArtwork as a liaison or middleman.

To submit, simply contact us at, and let us know which you prefer. If you wish to have your own display area without submitting, the cost is $30 for 6 months. To enable this option, simply send us your work at We'd love to hear from you.

In the near future, we will also be adding a blog area directly to the site, so that you can give us your opinions and feedback on the pieces currently in the galleries. Hopefully this will also develop into a forum for artists to discuss practices and techniques, as well as with what is current in the ever-changing art world.

Drop us a line, browse the galleries, send us your work!

With Love
C Reeser

1 comment:

thisisit said...

There has been vast improvement since the startup of this site. The pieces you have thus far are excellent. I am duly impressed. Keep up the good work.