Saturday, February 27, 2010

Howie Good is Good.

Howie Good--you know the one--his work is everywhere and he set some kind of record for the number of poetry chapbooks published by a single poet in a year in 2009? He has yet two more chapbooks in the works (and I know of at least a third, but Shhhhh! I'm not talking).

Check them out. They are:



Thursday, February 25, 2010

Because I am Tired, and Shameless, and Writing Moves Me.

Things that have kept me lately from blogging as I should:

1. Working what I think works out to about 100+ hours per week.

2. Reading stories like this one, by Scott McClanahan.

3. Bringing home a brand new bundle of ISBN. (Yes, the plural for ISBN is "ISBN," which cracks me up. It figures that the initialism to such a term has its own grammatical rules.)

4. Getting published in Metazen.

5. Getting mentioned at The Kenyon Review.

6. Getting rejected (again) by The Collagist.

7. Having my work read on video here.

8. Having my book on children's publishing reviewed here and here.

9. Finishing up the final edits on my book on Kindle publishing.

10. Being a guest reader at Lynn Alexander's Full of Crow Poetry Hour.

11. Reading Aqueous Books submissions.

12. Reading submissions for Prick of the Spindle.

13. Final judging for Prick of the Spindle's Poetry Open Competition No. 1.

14. Gearing up for the Art Party VII this weekend.

15. Keeping track of Prick of the Spindle Kindle Magazine subscriptions.

16. Being afraid of missing my deadline to send in my NewPages book review for March, for The Cormorant Hunter's Wife, by Joan Kane.

17. Reading Mel Bosworth here and here and here.

18. Writing a story for an upcoming e-book from Metazen.

19. Having Light and Trials of Light reviewed here .

20. Guest blogging here and here and here.

21. Getting mentioned here and here and here.

22. Getting interviewed here and here.

23. Finishing a painting and another.

24. Listening to this. Over and over.

25. Writing blurbs for such excellent forthcoming books as Paper House by Jessie Carty.


Saturday, February 6, 2010


The manuscripts for Aqueous Books are rolling in. I'm really looking forward to reading the material we're receiving.

If you haven't caught it yet, Jason Behrends of Orange Alert kindly interviews me here. Thanks, Jason. You are good people.

I'm looking forward to receiving my shipment of Light and Trials of Light. And, of course, the first issue of Artifice, which is stacked. Have you seen the line-up? Gaw. Check it out.

And, on a non-writing-related topic, I feel the need to document somehow, in some medium (and blogging is as good a medium as any other), the cuteness of my 3-year-old child. Most of you are familiar with how children go through phases, especially when they are very young and when it comes to their speech patterns. I know I am not alone as a parent in thinking that my child is precocious (and precious). For example, his latest cute-ism has been, "When you were a..." His dialogue is often:

"When you were a _____, you (or I) _____."

Examples of late have been:

"When you were a chicken nugget, I ate you all gone."

"When you were a race car, I drove you."

"When you were a light bulb, I turned you on."

"When you had a foot on your head, I put a boot on it."

"When you were a bottle, I drank you."

"When you were a chair, I sat on you."

"When you were a hat, I put you on my head."

To me, this is the perfect fodder for a children's book. Who knows, with inspiration like this, maybe one will be in the works soon.
